
Our vision is to build socially beneficial, commercially viable and sustainable buildings. This slogan, no matter how modern and up to date, was exemplified in the past here in Zlín and although its wording might be have been different, it was one of the ideas of Tomáš Baťa and his team to in designing the “New Zlín.” We recognize the same philosophy and we believe that every century has to leave its own signature. However, it is important that it is legible, with quality content, logical structures and continues what is already written.

Our company CREAM Real Estate has been developing the Baťa site since the 1990s. At that time we faced the question of consolidating the portfolio and creating a strategic plan of which the current implementation is the natural result. We have completed several successful projects in the area, a significant portion of new roads and the development and regeneration of several buildings. We are proud to continue the amazing legacy of the Baťa family, and we believe that we will help to restore the glory of the city of Zlín and contribute to job creation to improve the social and communal realities of the city.

24-25-26 FABRIKA helps revitalize the heart of Baťa’s site and creates new job opportunities

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